bloglines or other reader summary sites feeds into personal accounts to do the same thing: view content of several websites in one location. The technology behind it is Rich Site Summary feeds and readers such as Bloglines and others. For more information click the Read More link below the tags.
Feeds Work Well.
A growing number of Websites, especially blogs or news like websites generate feeds. Generally speaking a website feed is in the form of Rich Site Summary or more commonly called (Really Simple Syndication) or RSS feeds. It is akin to old newswire copy in that stories were delivered over a set medium over time in
no particular order or time frame -- content came when it was available. An excellent history and summary of RSS is available at
RSS Feeds are generated when material is posted to a website and a feed or email like content is sent to the reader platform. In many readers feed preferences can
be set such as once an article is read it will no longer appear in the reader. Some readers also have limits on the number of new articles per feed such as Bloglines at 200 unread articles.
Bloglines is not the only provider in addition to: Google Reader, My Yahoo, Newsgator, FeedLounge and others.
Blogline Features:
* Ability to group feeds in folders such as
organization specific feeds,
* Ability to read all posts from a website
based on time increments such as all feeds,
from the last month, week, 72 hours, etc...
* Find related blogs, news sources, or websites
that cover the same topics,
* Ability to clip and organize interesting
posts for later viewing.
* RSS feeds can be added to a bloglines account
by placing the url in the add feed dialog box
SAMPLE Library Websites that use RSS Feeds