American Decades and
American Decades Primary Sources are 10 volume reference print and ebook resources covering American society and major historical events. Ebook versions are available in the
Gale Virtual Reference Library. Both sets provide general decade overviews and major items of note in the: Arts, Business and Economy, Education, Fashion and Design, Government and Politics, Law and Justice, Lifestyles and Social Trends, Media, Religion, Science/Technolgy and Sports. Both versions have table of contents and back of the book indexes available. Keyword and text searching is available in the ebook version found in the
Gale Virtual Reference Library.
1920's sample topics from the Primary Sources set includes: Advertising for the 1926 Studebacker from American Motorist- The 1929 Metropolis of Tomorrow essay by Hugh Ferriss on large cities- Futuristic House Plans such as "4D House" Fuller, R. Buckminster. "4D House (1928)." In the archives of the Buckminster Fuller Institute. - Letter to Calvin Coolidge about installment plan buying (1926) and how this financing impacts small business owners.- Images from Life magazine and the 1928 book Our Dancing Daughters of couples doing the "Charleston" dance.- 1929 NY Times Newspaper article about 7 Gangsters killed by rival gang firing squad.