The "how to cite" feature tends to add extraneous items to the citation or lacks a key element such as the document is an abstract. What follows is side-by-side comparison of database and human generated citations in the MLA format.
Thomson Gale "how to cite" feature in (MLA) Format
Gray, Robert S., and Gisli Hjalmtysson. "Dynamic C++ Classes.(Technology Tutorial)(Tutorial)." C/C++ Users Journal 17.10 (Oct 1999): 50. InfoTrac OneFile. Thomson Gale. Charleston County Library. 7 Nov. 2006
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers - based on Page 230 or 5.9.7.a. (Many teachers may have variations in what is required so this may not be applicable for all individuals and I also drew upon Page 223 or 5.7.8.e. for dealing with abstracts):
Gray, Robert S., & Hjalmtysson, Gisli. "Dynamic C++ Classes." In C/C++ Users Journal 17 Oct 1999 p50. Abstract. Thomson Gale Power Search: InfoTrac OneFile. Gale. Charleston County Public Lib., SC. 7 Nov. 2006,
Bottom line, this is just an example that "how to cite" feature may include extraneous material or info such as "Abstract" may be left out in a citation. As a Gale rep said at a training class this past Spring, this feature is still a work in progress.
Steven S.