Corporate Affiliations db which is only available at the main library, has a brands/product content section. For example, if you want to know who is the maker of Boston Baked Beans, Sharpie pens, Ipods, and thousands of other products this is an excellent resource. For example, doing a product/brand name search on "Ipod" yields who makes IPOD software, hardware, and does the advertising. Instructions are included in the rest of this post on how to do brand and product searching.
2) Select the Advance Search option.
3) Once a menu appears,which is illustrated in this post,
select [Product/Brand Name] scroll down menu option.
4) Type in the product name.
5) Click the search button. The use of the [enter] key does
not always execute the search.
A listing when available of companies associated with the product or brand should appear. Select the companies of interest when available. For example, the IPOD music player lists companies that provide the software, hardware, and a listing of an adervertising agency appears in the results. By selecting the name of the company, you may still need to select the "Products" link for each company to see what component or the the whole of the product for what a company is involved.
Please log out of this database when done. It is set up for a single user at Main and if you don't log out you have to wait an extended period of time before logging back into the product.
Steven S.