American Reference Books Annual or also known commonly as ARBA was initially published in 1970 and has been a constant source for high quality reviews and lists of materials recently published within the reference publication universe. It has expanded in practical terms with web access to monthly updates of new reviews ranging recently in size between 80 to 275 titles per month.
The database has the [Browse new Reviews] which packs numerous titles in various subjects in date groupings such as February 2007 Reviews. Whereas the [Browse by Subjects] features allows search a focus on a general review works or by Disciplines e.g., Social sciences and fields e.g., Economics. The are a variety of limiters also included in the New Search function which combines all the above features and adds the ability to use combination searching elements into a search strategy.
Overall, ARBA is a pretty nifty in-library access database for reviewing recently publised or historic titles (1997 or later) reference materials for scope, audience level, content, and recommendations.